Yellow Cabs Ensure Safe Prom Transportation for Teens

Prom is one experience which every young girl would love to cherish and include in her list of ‘nights to remember’. Every young boy looks forward to meeting his dream partner on that night. Yet the fact remains is that amidst excitement, fun and sweet feelings, prom night comes with its share of stress too. Youthful exuberance often leads to excessive drinking and driving after prom. There are sad instances when the night ends with lethal car accidents. To prevent such disasters, parents need to play a responsible role ensuring that youngsters have all the fun but within controllable limit.

Prom night transportation is one aspect which demands close attention of parents. Hiring cars for transportation to and from the venue sounds the only feasible option as allowing your teenage daughter or son to drive on a prom night is totally out of question. If you feel hesitant that spending money on a hired car for a single night is too expensive proposition then here are some chilling statistics related to drunk driving which would surely implore you to think otherwise. The prime cause of death for teenagers is car crash of which almost 25% incidents are related to drunk driving by underage drivers. Even disturbing is that the age group of 16 to 19 years are mostly involved in fatal car crashes. 

These disturbing statistics convey one message which is parents have to play a greater responsible role, especially during the prom season. While you shouldn’t prevent your teenage daughter or son from enjoying this special night, but you can surely adopt a cautious approach. Do enquire in details about the prom night plan like venue, is it a pre or post prom party, how long it will continue, and whether they have any other plan for the night. Make sure that your teen is carrying the phone and that it is fully charged, so that you can stay in touch always. Educate your son/daughter about necessary driving tips.

There are some very important safety tips that every teen should follow for the prom night. Drinking and driving is a strict ‘no-no’. Those who have opted for yellow cab services, make sure to note down the car number, driver details and the route information and inform parents about that. If you are listening to music inside the vehicle then keep the volume low so that the driver doesn’t feel distracted. In case you feel the driver is in an inebriated condition then you have every right to reject the cab. 

By hiring a reliable yellow cab service and following the above mentioned tips, it is possible to minimize risk factors related to the prom night. Parents can remain stress-free knowing that each car is driven by experienced driver who knows well how to handle the prom night razzmatazz. The fact that pick-up and drop service is offered right from doorstep further helps. With such flexible and cost-effective transport options, you can be sure of a great ending of the prom night, with memories to cherish lifelong!
